Kerékpáros Tervezői Fórum

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2012. február 21., kedd

Following projects in EU

BICY- Cities and Regions for cycling
The still increasing private motorisation results in unsustainable traffic congestion and air pollution in the cities and regions of Central Europe. By designing and implementing trans-national, cross-border and national strategies the EU-Project BICY aims to achieve a widespread modal shift towards cycling and walking to improve the quality of life and reduce pollution.

PRESTO – "Promoting Cycling for Everyone as a Daily Transport Mode"

is a project of the EU's Intelligent Energy – Europe Programme granted by the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI).

NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide
The purpose of the NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide (part of the Cities for Cycling initiative) is to provide cities with state-of-the-practice solutions that can help create complete streets that are safe and enjoyable for bicyclists.

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